Saturday, April 8, 2023

Needle Galaxy NGC4565

The Needle galaxy (NGC4565, Caldwell38) is located in constellation Coma Berenices and about 40 lightyears away from Earth. It's an edge-on spiral galaxy and a member of the Coma I group.

Image was taken on April 3 with the Moon 95% illuminated. These condiations were not ideal and next time I will not take images near the full moon.

Setting: TAL200K f/8.5, ASI2600MC, Guidingscope 50x229 with ASI224MC on EQ8R-Pro
Lights: 31x300s (bin2x2 , -10°C), Flats, Darks and Bias
Software: ASIair Plus, APP, CS4, DeNoise AI