The Sun yesterday, May 28, 2023. It's altitude was 57° above the horizon. Some high clouds with ice cristals cause the forming of halo's. This time a circumscribed halo and a rare parhelic circle. A parhelic is a reflection of the 22° (or this time the circumscribed halo). The parhelic circle runs through the center of the sun's disk and the centerpoint of the circleis located at the zenith.
I use CS4 to make some color/black white images to increase contract in order to see the parhelic circle.
An interesting website for more detailes on this optical phenomen : see this link.
Halo 22 Parhelia Tangent arc Sun pillar Circumzenithal Parhelic circle Supralateral arc/46� halo 120 parhelia Parry arcs Pyramidal crystal halos All others | Relative Frequency 100 73 27 16 13 4 4.2 1.2 1.1 0.3 1.5 |
This means that a 22° halo can be seen 100 times per year. A circumzenithal circle 13 times a year and the mentioned parhelic circle 4 times a year.