Sunday, December 27, 2020

Storm Bella over Belgium

Retrieving weather image from satellite NOAA 18 UT10h01 with storm Bella over Belgium and other parts of Europe.

Setting : WebSDR ESA Noordwijk, Software WXToIMG, Decoding with NOAA-ATP and editing using CS4 and DeNoise AI

ARISS SSTV Award - Contact with ISS 20years ARISS

ARISS (Amateur Radio on the ISS (International Space Station)) is celebrating 20years of service. To celebrate this, the Russian radio on board of the ISS is transmitting between X-mas and New year. In total 12 pictures can be downloaded each 1minute transmitting time. I'm using webSDR located in Nürnberg (Germany) each time the ISS is flying over. As I completed one image, I was rewarded with my first ever ARISS SSTV Award. Cool!

In the mean time I downloaded a couple of images. Below the one with the best quality.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Jupiter-Saturn X-mas

Jupiter and Saturn at X-mas evening.

Mercury Transit of May 9th 2016 - pictures reworked

Cleaning up my disk with astropictures I found avi movies of my observation of the Mercury transit of May 9th, 2016. I was at that time not able to proces the files. So I reworked the files using AutoStakkert! using image stabilization anchor and planet selection. Final editing done using CS4.
Setting : Dobson 12" and ZWOASI224MC camera.

Friday, December 25, 2020

X-Mas Contact with ISS

This morning I was able to download images from the ISS while visual seeing the ISS from my backgarden. Really cool!
I'm using websdr located in Nurnberg (Germany) to connect with the ISS. The picture of the ISS (and Envisat) is taken above my location.

Background :
An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for late December. This will be a special SSTV event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ARISS operations on the ISS. The event is scheduled to begin on December 24 and continue through December 31. Details to follow later. Dates are subject to change due to ISS operational adjustments.
Times for the event appear to have the activity being setup and starting after 16:40 UTC on December 24 and running continuously until 18:15 UTC on December 31.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mars north of the Moon

This evening, the red planet Mars can be seen north of the Moon.

Jupiter - Saturn T+2 days

Two days after Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, Saturn is "moving away" from Jupiter.