Sunday, October 2, 2022

Nucleosynthesis: Book release by Prof Claude Doom

Selfie with the auteur, Prof. Claude Doom

Yesterday I could pick up my ordered new book "Nucleosynthese, het onstaan van de elementen in het heelal". The auteur, Prof. Claude Doom did sign the book and was willing to make a selfie. 

The book was created as a result of a series of 5 leasons on Nucleosynthesis which I online attended in 2020-2021 at the astronomyclub, Beisbroek in Brugge.  (see my certificate)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Lecture by Huib Jan van Langevelde : Zooming Into Black Hole Sagitarius A*

Selfie with Prof. Huib Jan van Langevelde

Dutch astronomer Huib Jan van Langevelde is working at the JIVE in Dwingeloo, professor of galactic radio astronomy at Leiden University and director of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) consortium. The EHT is a project in which some 350 scientists from 18 countries work together. The EHT bundles the large ALMA telescope in Chile with other (sub)millimetre telescopes and published the first image of a black hole in 2019 and the black hole Sagitarius A* in our Milky Way in 2022. 
At the JVS/VVS weekend of Oct 1,2022, Prof. Huib Jan van Langevelde gave a lecture on zooming into a black hole using milimeter telescopes.

Some really good video's: 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

55 Sunspots - 5 Sunspotgroups

Today the Sun was covered with 55 sunspots within 5 sunspotgroups. I made some pictures using my TAL200K f/8.5 with different set ups.

Setting: TAL200K f/8.5, ASI290MM, Barlow x2, light and CaK filter
Setting: TAL200K f/8.5, Nikon D7500
Software: SharpCap4, AS3!, IMPPG, CS4

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Lecture on MYRRHA - Hamid Ait Abderrahim

MYRRHA is the world’s first large scale Accelerator Driven System project at power levels scalable to industrial systems. MYRRHA offers unparalleled research opportunities in spent nuclear fuel, nuclear medicine and fundamental and applied physics.

MYRRHA: MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) is the world’s first large scale Accelerator Driven System (ADS) that consists of a subcritical nuclear reactor driven by a high power linear accelerator. With the subcritical concentration of fission material, the nuclear reaction is sustained by the particle accelerator only. Turning off the proton beam results in an immediate and safe halt of the nuclear reactions.

On December 30th (2022), Professor and director of the MYRRHA project Hamid Aït Abderrahim, will give a lecture @MIRA astronomy club.
See for more information this link. 

Neptune and James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope captured Neptune together with it's rings. 

Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) image of Neptune, taken on July 12, 2022, brings the planet’s rings into full focus for the first time in more than three decades.

The most prominent features of Neptune’s atmosphere in this image are a series of bright patches in the planet’s southern hemisphere that represent high-altitude methane-ice clouds. More subtly, a thin line of brightness circling the planet’s equator could be a visual signature of global atmospheric circulation that powers Neptune’s winds and storms. Additionally, for the first time, Webb has teased out a continuous band of high-latitude clouds surrounding a previously-known vortex at Neptune’s southern pole.

Open Days KMI Observatory - Opendeurdagen KMI

Today and tomorrow you will get the unique opportunity to step onto the grounds of the Space Pole in Uccle with direct interaction with the scientists themselves. You can see the telescopes, learn about the weather, the climate, the aurora or the planets of the solar system. Entrance is free.

Observatory - Meteorology - Aeronomy
September 24-25, 2022, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Ringlaan 3 Avenue Circulaire, 1180 Brussels

For more information see this website:

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Lectures of Radboud Astronomy club Free

Astronomy Club "Radboud" decided to make all their lectures free of charge as from this year (2022-2023. The lectures can be followed both fysically as online.

Following lectures area already scheduled: