Saturday, October 1, 2022

Lecture by Huib Jan van Langevelde : Zooming Into Black Hole Sagitarius A*

Selfie with Prof. Huib Jan van Langevelde

Dutch astronomer Huib Jan van Langevelde is working at the JIVE in Dwingeloo, professor of galactic radio astronomy at Leiden University and director of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) consortium. The EHT is a project in which some 350 scientists from 18 countries work together. The EHT bundles the large ALMA telescope in Chile with other (sub)millimetre telescopes and published the first image of a black hole in 2019 and the black hole Sagitarius A* in our Milky Way in 2022. 
At the JVS/VVS weekend of Oct 1,2022, Prof. Huib Jan van Langevelde gave a lecture on zooming into a black hole using milimeter telescopes.

Some really good video's: