Sunday, April 23, 2017

Exhibition Solarsystem in Herentals by Polaris

Yesterday I visited the exhibtion of the solarsystem in Herentals.
Yesterday and also today, ASH Polaris organises an exhibition of the latest evolutions of our solarsystem. An overview of the history of our solarsystem from ancient Greek till today is presented aswell as an update and latest news on dwarf planet Pluto. Beside this, also Jupiter, Mars and Mission Rosetta are covered. But most I liked the presentation of the observations done by the members of Polaris themselves. This presentation showed multiple observations of the sun and all of the (dwarf) planets of our solarsystem. It's impressive that amateur astronomers can see all aspects of the solarsystem from their backyard.

An immediate eyecatcher is located at the center of the exhibition where you can find an impressive model (scale 1:4) of ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.