Sunday, April 30, 2017

Great Night Observation

Night from April 29-30 : very good weather and seeing conditions. Relative humidity 85% and temperatures around 2°C - 4°C. The moon was only visible untill midnight.
Observations held with Helios collegue Guido Gubbels mainly to discuss and to learn alternative observation techniques.

Following objects observed :
Waxing Crescent Moon 16%

Star Asterims Hat of Napoleon near Arcturus. Drawing was made. As part of this observation I found out more asterisms are available via this web site.
NGC 6229 - Globular Cluster in Herculis - See my observation
Jupiter and Saturnus - See my observation

M3, M5, M9, M10, M12, M13 all globular Clusturs
M23, M27, M51, M57, M63, M65, M66, M81 and M82.

All observations done with Dobson 12" - mostly with 2" 9mm Scientific Explorer. 

Biggest learnings identified :
- polar allignment difference EQ5 vs EQ6 - need to clarify
- use of detailed charts to hop between stars as synscan is not always accurate enough
- use of color filters for planets; great contract using yellow filter for Jupiter
- asterims are something to enjoy and to learn the night sky