Wednesday, December 2, 2020

INTER-MAI-75 ARISS-SSTV - First Download

My first ever download of images from the International Space Station ISS. The event was organised by ARISS and MAI Moskovskiy Aviatsionniy Institoet (Moscow Aviation Institute) on december 1 and 2, 2020. Due to some issues no signal was made on december 1, so all focus for today, and with succes.

Today, the signal was available from UT11h50-18h25 and anytime the ISS signals could be picked up by an antenna. I used the antenna's connected through WebSDR in the UK, Russia, Belgium and the Netherlands. The signals were send in FM 145800kHz. Decoding was done with MMSSTV software. In order to know when to connect with the WebSDR stations, Heavens-Above was used to locate the position of the ISS. 

Results : in total I could connect 3 times with the ISS and it was possible to make contact through each of the 4 WebSDR stations. Unfortunately I was not able to download any perfect image. I saw this before when connecting with the NOAA satellites via WebSDR. The best result was made with the station @Heppen  which is very close to my homeadress. It could be that due to the short distance of this station to my homelocation, dataloss is minimal. It's amazing that I could connect with the ISS and downloading TV-signals and getting images. The ISS did send 12 images, I could download 4 of them. Interesting was aswell that during my last download I could see ISS live passing above my house :) really cool!

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) inspires people and students, worldwide, to pursue interests and careers in science, technology, engineering and math through amateur radio communications opportunities with the International Space Station (ISS) on-orbit crew. 

All software and websites used to make the connection possible are available via my blog : see this link.