Saturday, May 28, 2022

Sun May28 - H-Alpha Full Disk

Some more trial and error using my focal reducer 0.5x with SolarMaxIII and ASI290MM. I noticed that the flats taken from yesterday are popping up when imaging in SharpCap Pro. I renewed the flat and after restarting SharpCap Pro the full disk image was much better. I could image on 80fps with an exposure time between 0.3 and 0.5ms - gain set on 100.

Setting: SolarMaxIII 70/400 f/5.7 DS BF15 and ASI290MM
Software: SharpCap Pro, AS3!, IMPPG, CS4.
Adding Color CS4 : RGB1,8 - R 1,33- G 0,44 - B 0,2