Saturday, February 25, 2017

Frank Deboosere - MIRA Observatory

It was my first time visiting the Observatory Mira at Grimbergen - Brussels. At the time I arrived it was not crowdy at all and I was guided personally around showing all the telescopes located on the roof of the building.  Great hospitality :)

The main purpose of the visit however was attending a lecture about the sun presented by Frank Deboosere. He provided the lecture twice as the room was to small to fit all attendees. The presentation gave a good overview about how the sun works, sunspots (with butterfly diagram and Maunder minumum), sunflares and what will happen with the sun in the future.

After the lecture Frank was very open to talk and we talked about some specifics like copyrights of his lectures.

In the library I found some interesting books of the sun which I could use to further complete my script of the sun. And by luck I was able to found the book "Zon en aarde" from Jan Janssens. As it was for sell, I did bought a copy of the book.