Saturday, April 18, 2020

DeepSkyStacker and Comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas April 9th 2020

Setting : fixed comet and stars

Editing comet pictures is not that easy... until my Helios collegue Walter demonstrated this.
First upload and select the pictures and next complete registration, but without stacking. Once this is done, click on each picture and select "comet" sign (right of the picture). Hold shift and select the comet and click the position. Do this for all pictures. Once completed, select stacking and use advanced setting. Click comets and choose "fix" comet or "fix comet and stars".  The difference between both is that with the first setting, the comet will be fixed with stars in the back showing up as startrails. The second setting takes more time and will both fix the comet and stars.

As a result I restacked my pictures from Comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas from April 9th, 2020.

Setting : Comet fixed